Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Island San Juan Bautista - 825 Words

ïÆ'Ëœ Latitude Longitude: 18.2208 degrees N, 66.5901 degrees W ïÆ'Ëœ Discovery date: On Nov. 19, 1493, Christopher Columbus discovered PR. Initially he called the island San Juan Bautista. After discovering gold nuggets in the river, it was renamed Puerto Rico. ïÆ'Ëœ Size: About 3,435 square miles ïÆ'Ëœ Population: Currently 3,679,580 (based on the latest United Nations estimates) ïÆ'Ëœ Capital: San Juan ïÆ'Ëœ Economic mainstay: Sugar production until the 1940s. Manufacturing and tourism have become the main economic activity and source of income. Manufacturing composes about 46% of the GDP of the island. ïÆ'Ëœ Revolution: PR was a domain of Spain until the Spanish-American War, when the U.S. raided the island. In 1898, under the Treaty of Paris Spain†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Family- The Taino Indians had sturdy familial ties and related families lived together. They lived in very organized kingdoms and small villages, their order was decided by the chiefs. The Taino’s appearance was bronze-colored, average height, dark, flowing coarse hair, and dark and slightly oblique dark eyes. The men were typically naked or sported a breech cloth called nagua. Single women walked around naked, while married women wore an apron made of cotton or palm fibers to cover their genitalia. The length of the apron determined their rank size. The Taino culture was a polygamous one. The male cacique as the leader was permitted to have more wives than the other men in the villages. A woman whom was married to a cacique was considered a great honor. †¢ Church- Among the Taino community, there was a hierarchy of creators. The Yocahu was the highest creator. Jurakan was constantly angry and governed the power of the hurricane. Other Gods were the Zemi and Maboya. The Zemis was a God of both sexes and it was characterized by images of human and animal figures. The Taino’s thought that by being in the good graces of their zemis, they were sheltered from disease, hurricanes, or war disasters. As an offering, they would prepared cassava bread. The Maboyas were nocturnal Gods that ruined crops and were feared among the Tainos. Thus, they offered detailed contributions to satisfy him. †¢ Polity-Show MoreRelatedMy Final Culture Project : Puerto Rico1233 Words   |  5 PagesFor my final culture project, I decided to take a trip to the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States, therefore, passports are not needed when traveling to and from the island. It is located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea and sits east of the Dominican Republic and West if the U.S. Virgin Islands. Spanish is the primary language in Puerto Rico, however, most Puerto Ricans almost speak English. 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